Digging into Editorial Archives
Posted on Saturday, November 29, 2014 at 8:49 PM
In the news: Folio's Michael Rondon explores how iconic magazine brands are putting older content to work.
Earlier this month, TIME launched The Vault, an online archive of its vintage content. According to the website, "TIME's new digital archive allows subscribers not only to read [older] stories, but also the experience of flipping through the physical magazine, showing the graphics, pictures and advertisements that accompanied every TIME magazine story, dating back to the first issue in 1923."
Other brands that have monetized their archives include Scientific American, The Atlantic, and Vogue. Subscription prices tend to be steep: Scientific American's archive access runs readers $75 per year more than a regular print subscription, and Vogue is charging a hefty $1,575 for unlimited access to its archives -- which, according to Foliomag.com, includes "425,000 images, 300,000 ads and 100,000 articles."
Read more here.
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Rethinking the Editor-Publisher Relationship
A vital tenet of content delivery is drawing a clear line in the sand between advertising and editorial content. When the line is blurred, readers lose confidence in the brand and may take their subscriber dollars elsewhere. In a recent PBS Mediashift piece, Jason Kint writes, "Questions revolve around concerns about consumers' ability to distinguish editorial from advertising content, whether they understand an ad is not necessarily an editorial endorsement, and what happens if they lose faith in the content publishers work so hard to produce." Now that native advertising is so popular, some brands have tested boundaries by engaging in deceptive content delivery practices to garner clicks. "In this new reality," Kint says, "it's not the re-building of a crumbled wall between editor and publisher that's needed but the raising of a new kind of wall, one which separates click-bait from bona fide content." Read the full discussion here.
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