Publishers as Retailers?
Posted on Sunday, October 30, 2016 at 11:49 PM
In the news: Magazine publishers continue to test the retail waters.
Events aren't the only alternate revenue stream for struggling publishers. Some publishers are turning to e-commerce to make up advertising and subscription shortfalls. Condé Nast recently launched, a retail website offering various designer clothing and accessories. Summarizing the overall business concept, Suzanne Bearne of writes, "Condé Nast isn't holding any stock though -- the fulfilment is handled by the individual brands -- but they do, of course, take a cut of the transaction."
This is a bold move in an already competitive market, and Condé Nast has already invested roughly £75 million ($91 million USD) in it. Other magazines, such as Marie Claire, have experimented with retailer relationships on a smaller scale. Regardless of scale, these new retailer relationships present ethical challenges for publishers, who must, according to Bearne, "balance the need for building profits whilst also retaining the trust of their valued readers."
Read the full article here.
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