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Fake News: A Legal Definition?

Posted on Thursday, March 30, 2017 at 12:43 AM

In the news: The term "fake news" is everywhere these days, but what does it really mean? One potential publisher lawsuit may shed some light.

The term "fake news" has become something of a cultural phenomenon. Colorado's Grand Junction Daily Sentinel may add some legal context if the publisher opts to sue State Senator Ray Scott. The skirmish got under way back in February when Scott read an op-ed about himself and dismissed it as "fake news." Publisher Jay Seaton, in turn, threatened to sue.

Yesterday, Poynter.org caught up with Seaton to ask about the controversy and potential lawsuit. Read the full interview here.

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The Single "They"

Traditional grammarians have spent years resisting the wave, but Chicago and AP have made their ruling in favor of colloquial usage. At last week's annual ACES conference, both stylebooks announced that they would allow the use of "they" as a singular pronoun. According to Merrill Perlman of CJR.com, both stylebooks "emphasize that 'they' cannot be used with abandon. Even so, it's the middle of the end for the insistence that 'they' can be only a plural pronoun." Read more about the controversial style update here.

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