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Managing Editor. Bloomberg News seeks a managing editor for its New York financial news desk. 5+ years business editing experience required. Click here to apply.

Managing Editor. Ocala Magazine is hiring a managing editor in its Ocala, Florida, office. Mac computing and Adobe InDesign experience required. Please apply here.

Web Managing Editor. Questex Media Group seeks a web managing editor to oversee production of three travel websites. Experience with Drupal and Photoshop preferred. Click here for more information.

Editor. Smart Meetings magazine needs an editor with 7-10 years of magazine editing experience (at least 3 years in a senior editing position). Apply here.


Editor/Writer in South Africa. I am a qualified managing editor, seeking freelance or contract work. I have worked in the business to business magazine publishing industry for the past 18 years, covering a variety of titles from travel to lifestyle, business, IT, motoring, and sport. Please contact me at mercedes [at] cadplan [dot] co [dot] za or call +27 83 303 1403.

Well-rounded journalist with 17 years of experience as a reporter and editor/proofreader seeking freelance editing proofreading opportunities. I've edited newspaper articles, newsletters, handbooks, magazine articles on such topics as government, crime, business, sports and politics. I also have edited marketing brochures, emails, professional and personal correspondence and transcripts of earnings conference calls, broadcast interviews, speeches and Congressional hearings and am willing and able to branch out into fiction. Reasonable rates, high quality and strict commitment to turnaround times. For more information, contact Lawrence Sherrod at lawrence728 [at] verizon [dot] net or 301-587-9569.

Creative, Versatile Writer and Editor. Can cover virtually anything, write about more and edit even more. Desiring a chance to jump back into the water after taking my wares into media relations. Have experience with virtually any type of reporting and looking for a great newspaper which needs creativity, experience, versatility and a dynamic, results-oriented professional. Bachelor's and Master's educated. Contact David Woodburn at: desertstove [at] journalist [dot] com.

Educational Consultant/Writer/Editor looking for employment in the field of educational writing and or editing. I am currently ABD in instructional design and development with a concentration in the field of Reading. I would like to find work that I can do from my home in Mobile, AL. I have classroom experience ranging from the elementary to post-secondary level and additional experience as a sales consultant. Contact Kathy Jordan at 251-402-4566 or email at: Kjordan90 [at] comcast [dot] net.


Affordable, Professional Editing Services. Our experienced editors make sure your essay, paper, thesis, dissertation, or other document is understandable, flows well, and is free of errors. provides round-the-clock editing services. The document can be returned to you as soon as the next day and prices start at only $4 per page. Submit up to 2 pages to any of our editors for a free sample edit. Use Coupon Code "PubHelp" for 10% off any service. has a searchable directory of proofreading companies and freelance professionals.

Quality Editing. Editor for dissertations, books, reports, resumes, memoirs, novels, poetry, and many other genres. More than 20 years of editorial experience. Editor uses AP, APA, AMA, Bluebook, CMOS (Chicago), GPO, MLA, Oxford, Turabian, Zondervan, and all university styles. Editor has worked with Ph.D. candidates from 30 universities. Documents edited electronically. Please contact Kathleen O’Connor at 301-524-4973 or katheoc [at] earthlink [dot] net for rates.

Affordable Magazine Design Specialists. For redesigns, start-ups, ongoing art direction, cover design, design consulting. For consumer, trade, association, or specialty publications in traditional, tabloid, or digest formats. Two offices serving clients nationwide and abroad. Contact: John Johanek, Ayers/Johanek Publication Design, Inc., 8230 Rolling Hills Drive, Bozeman, MT 59715, 406-585-8826. To see numerous samples, client list, and client comments, click here.

Copyright and Publishing Lawyer: Attorney Ellen M. Kozak, PO Box 380, Milwaukee, WI 53201-0380, telephone 414-963-0380. Copyrights, trademarks, manuscript vetting, publishing and entertainment contracts, permissions, media law. Author of Every Writer's Guide to Copyright and Publishing Law, and From Pen to Print: The Secrets of Getting Published Successfully. Call for current rates.

Advertising sales for print and online publications. For details, click here.

Newsstand Single Copy Sales Consultants. Services include magazine distribution, retail marketing, promotional strategies, and much more. For more information, click here.

Editors - Looking for Golf Destination Travel Features? We offer full travel features with stunning photography. We are based in the "home of golf" - Scotland. To review current features, click here.

World Publishing - Industry. Directory of service providers relevant to the publishing industry. Click here.


Freelance Editor Offers More Than 20 Years' Experience. Tap more than 20 years of financial services, technology and project management expertise. Experienced in journalism and marketing communications. Newsletters, magazines, articles, case studies, white papers and reports, brochure copy, press releases, and Web content. For more information, please contact Sherree DeCovny at 215-493-5394 or email at: sdecovny [at] decovny [dot] com.

Experienced, talented, versatile business editor, author, and journalist with fifteen years of experience. Experience editing and writing stories for finance magazines, white papers, online business news sites, case studies, e-blasts, academic sites, and political/social commentary Websites, in addition to feature magazines, newspapers and business/academic journals. Also an accomplished generalist, handling creative nonfiction, environmental, local news, personality profiles, public policy, and social/political stories. Contact Myra Thomas at 908-889-5908 or email at: GreatWriting [at] MyraThomas [dot] com.

Seeking Freelance Editing Opportunities. I specialize in writing about how companies of all sizes use technology to compete. I've covered everything from games to mainframes and the chips that run them, as well as a multitude of industries. As a result, I have a minimal learning curve and offer quick turnaround for case studies, white papers, and Web collateral. Please contact Howard Baldwin at: howardbaldwin [at] pacbell [dot] net.

Look No More. I am a prolific writer, editor, copywriter with extensive experience in luxury, travel, new media, relationships, gen trends, and much more. Please contact Elina Furman at 917-892-7869 or email at: elinafrmn [at] aol [dot] com.

Travel, Sports, Recreation, and Humor-Related Freelance Assignments. No writer respects a deadline more than one who's also a former editor. After working as a magazine staff writer and editor for ten years, I'm now on my own, making a career of freelancing. My most recent projects have been writing humor for, product reviews for Wired magazine, profiles for Racquet Sports Industry, and features for Country Club Quarterly. Please contact Chris Nicholson at 917-892-7869 or email at: writing [at] cnicholson [dot] com.

Alexei Pankin, Russian political and media analyst and journalist. Visit:


Magazine Launch Announcements. To read details of the latest magazine launches, click here.

Free listings for magazines, newsletters, and e-zines that need freelance writers. The Write Markets Report is a monthly, print magazine featuring new and updated markets for freelance writers and journalists. We will use your answers to create your listing, and will forward it to you for approval prior to publication. There is absolutely no charge for your listing, and we'll be happy to mail a complimentary issue to your office when your listing appears. On request, we'll forward our questionnaire via email. Please contact Angela Adair, Publisher, at: angela [at] writersweekly [dot] com.


American Society of Business Press Editors. Website includes articles, contest details, membership info. Click here.

Directory of Professional Services. All the professional services needed to launch a new magazine. Click here.

New Exclusive Report: The Russian Media Market. A focus on the print segment. How to enter ... profit ... survive. To order your copy of this report, click here.

Free Publishing Industry Newsletter. "Heard on the Web" is a daily industry e-newsletter. It is a collection of relevant and useful information about the publishing industry that is gathered daily from Internet sources. To find out more, click here.

Report on Editorial Salaries. How much should you be paying the editors that work for you? Indeed, how much should you be making, yourself? This exclusive report will give you authoritative answers to these questions. It also will outline for you the nuts and bolts for developing and administering an editorial compensation policy. For details, click here.

Recommended Sites by Terry Roth. Visit sites of interest to journalists, editors and publishers. Click here.

Improve Editorial Productivity. Ever wonder how your editorial productivity compares to that of other magazines? Read: The Secret for Increasing Editorial Productivity at Your Publication. This Special Report will tell you, and will provide tips for increasing your productivity. To check it out, click here.

IRMA, the International Regional Magazine Association, with member magazines throughout the US and Canada, exists to promote and support regional publishing generally and to encourage the free flow if information among member magazines. Other regional publishers are encouraged to join as are publishing industry sponsors. Click here.

Get Editing Jobs is a growing community of editing job seekers and employers. It is a one-stop resource for finding and filling editing positions. Click here.
