How to Corrupt Editorial Integrity
Posted on Wednesday, July 30, 2014 at 11:19 PM
A recent New York Times fiasco is a blueprint for trashing
integrity. It offers a good lesson on what not to do if you want to
maintain high standards.
By William Dunkerley
April 20, the New York Times splashed the headline, "Ukraine
Provides Evidence of Russian Military in Civil Unrest." The article
presented an array of photos showing soldiers in various situations. A
caption attested to the claim made in the headline. Accompanying text
said that "the State Department, which has also alleged Russian
interference, says that the Ukrainian evidence is convincing." State
Department officials disseminated the photos publicly.
Andrew Higgins, Michael R. Gordon, and Andrew E. Kramer repeated those
allegations in a bylined story on the same day. A version of their story
ran on page 1 of the paper's April 21 New York edition.
Just days
later, the paper printed a retraction of sorts.
What was wrong
with the story? What went wrong at the Times? And how is
editorial integrity at stake here?
Covering Hot News
crisis in Ukraine has been in the news for some time now. Coverage was
punctuated in July by stories of the downed Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.
So it is not surprising that the Times had been hot on the story
for some time.
Back in April I viewed the Times' photo
array with great interest. Proof that Russia was playing an active
military role in Ukraine's civil war sounded like a big deal.
The Times'
story presented two shots of a bearded man in military garb. The caption
identified him as a Russian military operative seen in the 2008 conflict
between Georgia and Russia, and also spotted in Ukraine this year.
as I looked closely at the two blurry photos alleged to be of the same
man, I saw something different. They looked to me like two different
men. What could explain that discrepancy?
To get to the bottom of
this, I clipped both blurry images and entered them into Google's
"search by image" function. That instantly located much
higher-resolution images of both bearded men. And clearly the photos
were not of the same man. The two people didn't resemble each other at
all. Even the beards were dissimilar.
Yet the Times was
attesting that this was the same man in two different military
conflicts, and that this was proof of a startling conclusion about
foreign interference in Ukraine's civil war.
Power of the Press
though the photographic basis for this story was obviously suspect, a
lot of readers trusted the Times and believed the story. Here are
a few reader comments posted on the Times' website:
is good to see hard evidence showing up for what we always knew was
going on in eastern Ukraine."
--"I trust that no one is
surprised by this, save for the usual pro-Putin/pro-Russia
propagandists, that is."
--"It's time to demonstrate to the
Kremlin -- and the Russian people -- that such a divergence from global
norms has significant costs."
But not everyone fell for the
fake story. There were skeptical comments as well. Here are a few
--"Those photos look as convincing as the satellite
shots of Iraq's WMD that the CIA presented just before the invasion."
or not Russian operatives are in Ukraine, this evidence is a joke."
of them could have been Santa if he changed his outfit and dyed his
A Retraction?
The skeptics like me
must have made quite an impression with someone, because on April 24 a
piece appeared from Margaret Sullivan, the paper's "public editor." It
was titled, "Aftermath of Ukraine Photo Story Shows Need for More
Caution." That sounds like quite an understatement!
Sullivan was quick to comment that the photos had been "endorsed by the
Obama administration." But, she added, "More recently, some of those
grainy photographs have been discredited."
So, after being
caught prominently running a phony story, the Times sought to
shed blame by pointing a finger at the Obama administration and
fingering the "grainy photographs."
But what about the Times'
responsibility as a watchdog against government malfeasance and
misinformation? The dog must have died. And what about journalists
Higgins, Gordon, and Kramer? They are experienced journalists. Why did
they sully their reputations by putting their names on a garbage story
out of Washington?
Where were the Times' fact checkers? It
took me less than five minutes to determine that the photos attested to
by the State Department were fraudulent. Getting high-resolution images
to clarify the "grainy photographs" required no more than a series of
mouse clicks.
And what about the Times' foreign editor,
Joseph Kahn? Actually, Sullivan gave him a chance to speak for himself
in her article. She says he told her that "the Times has
made a major commitment to covering the Russia-Ukraine story over the
past several months, using as many as 12 staff reporters, many of them
on the ground. He calls the coverage 'voluminous, competitive, and
excellent.'" Isn't that incredible? The paper makes a public arse of
itself and Kahn calls his team's work excellent?
Kahn hinted that
the Times, in running the phony story, "was not entirely
dependent for its conclusions on the photographs, but also included
other reporting that led to similar conclusions." But why did he run the
faked photos?
So Kahn published the rigged photos without
remarking upon their inauthenticity, and he expects us to believe
whatever other reporting they may have done? The story was about the
photos. That's what the headline said. But he didn't mention that the
photos were fraudulent.
And what did Sullivan, the paper's
internal watchdog, say about all this? She concluded that the "coverage
of this crisis has had much to commend it" but that the story in
question "was displayed too prominently and questioned too lightly."
the Photos Proved
The photos published by the Times
may not have proved that a Russian soldier seen in the Georgian conflict
was recently seen in Ukraine. But the photos did prove a few things:
Times didn't check its facts. It could easily have found the
photos to be fakes.
--The Times relied upon a single
noncombatant source, the State Department, to validate the photos and
attendant conclusions. It's no secret that governments lie. That's why
the media are expected to serve as watchdogs to offset government lies
and malfeasance, and to promote better governance. As a result, we are
given First Amendment protection and are often referred to as the Fourth
--The bearded men episode also proved that, when
confronted by others with the photographic discrepancy, the Times
couldn't bring itself to simply fess up to what it had been caught
doing. Instead it obfuscated, equivocated, and congratulated itself.
perhaps the Times' biggest offense. The editors seem to believe
they are above plain accountability. That leaves them free to repeat
lies and mislead their readers, yet feel no unmitigated guilt. In other
words, they seem to have no integrity.
For the Rest of Us...
all of us cover world news. Some of us do carry articles that rely upon
governmental sources. But we all have readers who rely upon us to
provide them with true and reliable information.
That's what sets
us apart as branded publications. There is a host of information
available on the Internet. Some of it is reliable. Some is not. It can
be burdensome for information seekers to evaluate the veracity of any
particular source that is not well known to them.
The name of our
publication -- our brand -- is what sets us apart from the plethora of
websites competing with us to satisfy readers' demands for information.
If we fail in our responsibility to readers, we lose our edge and we
lose our integrity.
In a sense, we're all in this together. More
and more, information seekers are abandoning branded publications in
favor of simply searching the Web for whatever information they happen
to need at the moment.
Upholding the notion that publication
brands signify reliability is important to our industry as a whole. When
such a well-known brand as the New York Times shows remarkable
indifference to accuracy and accountability, it hurts us all.
Dunkerley is principal of William Dunkerley Publishing Consultants,
your comment.
"The most
embarrassing thing about this is that a plethora of evidence exists of
Russian involvement. The Times' reporters are just too lazy or
gutless to find it." --Sergey Panasenko, Moscow, Russia
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