Editorial Conferences -- Part I
Posted on Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at 5:26 PM
The ins and outs of issue planning.
By William Dunkerley
you ever wondered what would happen if we produced automobiles like we
do magazines? Just imagine. The car starts down the assembly line. All
the parts that are to go into it aren't there, though. In fact, some of
them haven't even been designed yet. Not only that, but the actual size
of the car hasn't been determined and won't be until just before the car
is finished!
Could this way of doing things possibly work?
Perhaps this is the time for telling an Edsel joke. But I think you get
the comparison. In real-life automobile manufacturing, there are
distinctly demarcated phases for planning and for assembly.
don't have that same luxury in publishing. We do some of the planning on
the fly. But lest planning fly out the window, it's worth examining the
adequacy of your issue planning. Indeed, how do you plan future issues?
Do you conduct effective editorial conferences for this purpose? Or is
much of your planning done by happenstance?
How Much Is Enough?
editor once told me she doesn't hold editorial conferences. "They may be
okay for high-fashion magazines in Paris," she reasoned, "but we're too
busy for that here." Another editor I know holds marathon conferences,
getting into long philosophical debates on content. He even holds a
conference with a few key editors to plan the editorial conference to be
held with the rest of the staff!
Somewhere between those extremes
there must be a happy medium. Exactly where it is will vary, of course,
depending each publication's specific circumstances.
there are three different kinds of editorial conferences that are
valuable to hold: (1) an advance planning conference looking beyond the
next issue, (2) the next-issue conference, and (3) a postmortem.
A truly effective editorial conference requires
very skillful execution. To make that point, I'd like to begin by
suggesting how not to conduct a conference.
While on a
consulting assignment in a European postcommunist country, I was invited
to sit in on a publication's editorial conference. I could understand
only a few words of the language in which the conference was conducted.
Thus, I got to concentrate on the interpersonal dynamics of the meeting
while understanding only the general context of the content.
what was happening was clear: Two top editors went point by point
through the previous issue, chastising the others for things that
displeased them. When attention turned to the next issue, these top
editors meted out dictums on what needed to be covered and the right way
to cover those topics.
What's wrong with this picture?
vs. Participative
The leaders' autocratic style essentially
stifled any initiative from the editors, who, presumably, should be the
most closely attuned to the various subject areas covered in the
publication. And the front-line editors were set up to face eventual
criticism whenever things did not play out according to the leaders'
preconceived notions.
You can avoid these negatives by using a
more participative style. With such, the front-line editors would be
offering much of the meeting's content. The leader would keep the
meeting on track in moving toward its objectives. It is important that
all the participants understand their roles and what is expected of
them. The leader should also focus on creating an atmosphere of candor
and mutual respect. This kind of meeting will enable successful group
Today's Challenges
In today's online
world, editors are faced with new planning challenges: creating content
that can be changed as frequently as daily or even hourly, responding to
social media interaction, and coordinating digital and print content
We've surveyed a select group of editors on their
current practices regarding editorial conferences. In Part II we'll
share with you their responses.
William Dunkerley is principal
of William Dunkerley Publishing Consultants, www.publishinghelp.com.
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